Thursday, April 10, 2014

A lesson from the Ultimate Warrior

James 4:14
Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.

     Back in the 1980's, the WWF wrestling federation at the time was coming into it own and stars like Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant were well known.  At the time, another character came along named the Ultimate Warrior.  He was known for his face paint and running to the ring and shaking all the ropes.  He was a huge man with muscles in places I didn't even know had muscles.  He was big for a while, even beating Hogan for the heavyweight championship of the world and then eventually he disappeared.

     Until about a week ago, nobody heard much from him and then he was inducted into the WWE wrestling hall of fame.  I didn't watch any of it, but I did see a little clip from Monday night where he mentioned that if a man is remembered by his fans, even if he dies, he is immortal.  I thought it was ironic that he would say that because less than 1 day after that statement he died.  He was walking to the car with his wife when he collapsed and died.

      What is stunning is that this man appeared to be such a strong and healthy man on the outside.  I have no idea if he had heart problems or was seeing a doctor.  It makes me wonder if he thought he didn't have a long time when he mentioning dying in the ring.  But, I know that he appeared healthy and was only 54 years old.  He had just signed a big contract to be a spokesperson for millions of dollars.  He had just appeared in front of millions of fans.

     It led me to think about how none of us know how much time on this earth that we have.  We can appear quite healthy and be doing all the right things and be gone in a moment.  The Bible compares this life to a vapor.  We are here and then we are gone.  It makes me think that it is so important to be wise about how we spend our time here on earth.  It speaks to how we are using our time to build up God's kingdom instead of our own.  We can't take any of the things of this world with us.

   I would see that quite regularly as a chaplain at the hospital.  Someone is on their way to work and a truck hits the side of their car and suddenly they are in the hospital fighting for their life.  Or they are painting or doing housework and they suddenly have a cardiac arrest.  I'm not meaning to be a downer here.  I am just saying I think this is a wake up call to some people.  You aren't promised a tomorrow and neither am I.  Make the most of your time, so that you can hear the Lord Jesus say to you one day, "Well done, good and faithful servant." 

   One of the most important ways to do that is to commit your life to the Lord Jesus.  Ask him to come into your heart and to forgive you of your sins.  Ask him to change you from the inside and to give His Holy Spirit to you.  This is what Jesus meant by being "born again".   Jesus comes into the hearts of people who invite him, but you have to ask.  He knocks on the door of your heart and waits for you to respond.

Matthew 6:33
But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Matthew 6:32-34

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Abundantly beyond all that we ask

   In Ephesians 3:20 Paul writes, "Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us. . . ."

    Based on what scripture says, here in the above verse and numerous others.  It seems clear that there is nothing that God cannot do.  In fact, according to this verse, our imagination isn't great enough to think of something that God cannot do.  I cannot out ask God in what he is able to do for me.  That's pretty great because I have a pretty good imagination.  What this verse is really saying is that God is infinitely greater than my mind can comprehend.

    So, the question when it comes to our prayers is not whether or not God is able.  I think about the passage in Mark 9:23 where Jesus is speaking with the father of a boy who is filled with a demon.  The man has some doubt since he brought the boy to the disciples and they haven't been able to heal him.  When Jesus hears this doubt he says, "If you can!  All things are possible to him who believes."  And right here I want to affirm this.  I believe God is able to do all things, except violate his own holy, loving nature.

    The question for me when I pray is never then if God can.  I know emotionally and intellectually that God can do anything.  It's his universe, made by Him and for Him and through Him.  He can do anything he wants whenever he wants.  The truth about it is, that I wonder sometimes why it appears that God doesn't.  I have trouble reconciling this with the image of God as the loving father who wants to give good gifts to his children.  I have trouble understanding that pull and tug of how God interacts with his creation.  When good people die in their youth or a young child is abducted and killed.  Or when a teacher stays after school to help a struggling student and gets killed by that same student.  I struggle to understand why these horrible things happen and why sometimes when you really need an answer like "yesterday" God becomes so silent.

    And this struggle required that we walk by faith because there are no simple, bumper sticker answers for that.  I know that that is not God's perfect will.  I know that God is not responsible for the evil that goes on in the world.  I know that God will make it right one day.  But, I struggle to understand God's silence and his allowing it to happen in the first place.  Just like I struggle to understand why God can answer some of my prayers almost immediately and then some linger on for years.

    I absolutely love it how our questions and struggles don't offend the heart of God.  They are even written in the Bible and declared by David and the other writers of the psalms.  If you don't believe me read verses like Psalm 10:1 or 13:1.  God allowed these words to be written down by godly men to show us that these struggles are not new.  And it is okay to have them.  God is not going to strike you down because your struggling.  It actually means that you have faith and it is maturing.

    I think it is important when we struggle to affirm what we are sure of and what we know.  I know that god loves me and didn't abandon me.  I know that he will not forsake me.  I know that he desires to give good gifts to His children.  I know that he sent his son to die for me and that he suffered a horrible death on a real cross.  I know that one day death and sin will be destroyed and that God will judge the wicked and the unrepentant.  I know that one day things will be much more clear.  

Psalm 32:5-7 God is Ready and Eager to Forgive

  Psalm 32:3-7 3 When I kept silence, my bones waxed old through my roaring all the day long. 4 For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me...