In Colossians 3:12-13 Paul says, "Therefore, God's chosen ones, holy and loved, put on heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience accepting one another and forgiving one another. If anyone has a complaint against another. Just as the Lord has forgiven you, so also you must forgive."
When I read this passage, there are a couple of things that stand out to me. The first is the way that Paul refers to us as believers, "chosen ones" and "holy and loved". Paul is reminding us of our status before God eyes even if we don't feel that way ourselves. We are holy because we are forgiven. We are chosen because we are loved. But, Paul also urges us to put on the new life and to take up the old one. Not in order to be saved, but because we are.
What that says to me is that the life of faith is meant to be demonstrated. It is suppose to make a difference in the way we treat other people. It is expected of us that we love, forgive and act in compassion and humility. Paul says, "Just as the Lord has forgiven you. . ." In other words, since you tasted this forgiveness, now pass it on to others. That's one of the things that demonstrates, that shows the fruit of the seed God has planted in us. We are to let that light shine Matthew 5 says.
I've been struggling with that whole idea of forgiveness. Sometimes we feel like perhaps we lose power over someone by forgiving someone. Or maybe that they will take advantage of us again if we forgive. But, it wasn't a sign of weakness when God forgave us, but a sign of strength. If I am to imitate God in this respect then I must forgive when people would actually spur it if they knew I had forgiven them. I put be radical in my forgiveness because radical and life changing is the kind of forgiveness that God offers. It goes back to that idea of "grace". It also means forgiving and treating myself with grace as much as others. We all make mistakes. I have made so many it is too numerous to count. I can really do some stupid things some times. I don't know what my I.Q. is, but I am not stupid, but I can sure show a lack of good sense some times. Then, I will look back on it and think to myself, that sure was stupid. So, I have to practice this not only with others, but with myself and show others and myself some grace.
Psalm 32:5-7 God is Ready and Eager to Forgive
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