I noticed recently that Pat Robertson made another remark that has many people shaking their heads wondering what is wrong with him. But, this is nothing new for Pat. Remember, this is a man who once ran for President. He is a egomaniac. He wants the spotlight on himself. So, instead of preaching and teaching the good news of Jesus, He uses his television program to talk trash about a people already hit with a earthquake. Great move Pat. What next? Maybe trip some old ladies in the park? Encourage children to play with hand guns? Did you forget to take your Aricept Pat? No wonder so many unbelievers have problems with Christians today.
In addition to this, he also said 9/11/2001 was an act of judgment by God by the way and that in 2007 we would see a weapon strike our nation. (A comment by him that did not come true by the way) In contrast to him, Jesus himself tells us that it is the merciful who will receive mercy. Jesus, when he had the chance to condemn the woman at the well for having 5 husbands or the woman who was caught in adultery, seemed more concerned about showing some compassion.
Christians believe that Jesus lived a perfect, sinful life. He did absolutely nothing wrong. He is the sinless, perfect Lamb of God. John the Baptist called him this because he was an unblemished by sin sacrifice. He could forgive because he was not tainted himself. So, if anyone had a righ to condemn those who were sinful, it was Jesus. But, the ironic thing about this is that while Jesus hated sin, He always loves sinners. IN fact, if you look at the crowds that hung around Jesus, most were people like tax collectors and harlots and common folk who had many problems of their own. Who did Jesus really have it out with though? It was the self-righteous Pharisees who found themselves being condemned by Jesus. Those who thought they had all the answers. I have a feeling he would have a few choice words for Pat today also.
One of the things that is not in dispute is that fact that we all fall short. The book of Romans tell us that all of us miss the mark. While that is true, Jesus seemed not so focused on that as he was about telling people the good news that God loves them and wants to save them. The good news is that God knows who we are and wants to have a relationship with us anyway. He wants to share His love with us. If nothing else, this disaster is an opportunity for all of us to give something to the people of Haiti and to pray for them, not to condemn them.
As believers, we do believe God is active in the world. But, I don't believe it is our job to judge others. As believers we are to be busy about sharing the good news of Jesus. That good news is that God is love and God loves you. His love is overflowing and abundant. If the sky could be measured above that is how great a love he has for you. Not that God is sitting up on his throne waiting for you to mess up so he can judge you. If that were the case then Jesus would not have abandoned heaven to come to earth, to be condemned and to suffer and die. He did that because he is interested in saving people, not condemning.
Just wanted to share my two cents worth..
Pray for those in Haiti and those who are helping them. .
Psalm 32:5-7 God is Ready and Eager to Forgive
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