Psalm 106 indicates that the people often forgot about God and what God had done for them. They got tired of their circumstances, the intense heat, the lack of water and grumbled. They grumbled against Moses and the manna they had to eat and the lack of water. They wanted to go back to slavery in Egypt rather than continue on. This was despite the fact that they had visible proof that God existed in the form of a cloud during the day and a fire at night. In one situation, Moses was afraid that they would stone him.
It is easy to be critical of the Israelites, instead of making that connection to your own life and then time when we get our eyes on our circumstances. We could try justifying ourselves by saying, "Well, if I had a pillar of fire at night then I wouldn't doubt, but I don't." But, actually human nature being what it is we would probably still grumble to. I think we should come to the place where we realize, but by the grace of God, I would do the same. I do the same. I will do the same. But, God will still forgive me. I get my eyes off the prize. I think I can handle things on my own without him. I grumble and complain and act like a child. Even after over 25 years of being a christian.
This is a part of our sin nature that wants to grumble and is so easily allowed to stray from God. But, where sin is great God is even greater. He loves us despite the fact that we are so fickle and weak. And the thing is, that he knows our weaknesses better than we do. When Peter declared that he would die for Jesus, Jesus told him that not only would he not die at that time, but he would deny him three times and he did. So, we aren't showing God something he doesn't already know when we sin and fall on our faces. He already knows all about how weak we are. In fact, he told us if we don't abide in Him we can do nothing that is spiritual or that bears fruit John 15:1-5.
Psalm 32:5-7 God is Ready and Eager to Forgive
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