There are several times after God appears to Moses in the burning bush that Moses tries to get out of doing what God tells him to do. First, he complains to God that he is not an eloquent speaker. Then, when Pharoah hardens his heart the first time and actually makes the Jewish people's physical work harder Moses complains again. Notice, after Moses first speaks to Pharoah and things actually get worse, Moses goes to God and says in Exodus 5:22 "then Moses return to the Lord and said, "O Lord, why hast Thou brought harm to this people? Why didst Thou ever send me?" Do you hear the accusation there? Not only is he complaining, but he is saying that God has now caused harm.
Pehaps Moses was under the mistaken impression that if God causes someone to do something that it was going to be all peaches and cream. Instead, it appears that Moses had his worst fears confirmed, that Pharoah indeed did not listen and he didn't redeem anything. But, if you notice in the story, God repeatedly tells Moses that he is aware that Pharoah will harden his heart. This does not come as a surprise to God. For that I am glad, that the things that surprise me don't surprise God. That he is aware of the adversity and trials that will come my way. I'm not saying that this is the case in every instance, but in many cases, maybe the adversity that we face is for the same reason that it was for Moses. If you notice, God says what his purpose is in many places such as Exodus 9:16 when he says to Pharoah "But, indeed, for this cause I have allowed you to remain, in order to show you My power, and in order to proclaim My name through all the earth."
So, instead of going into panic mode, God was using this adversity to begin to teach Moses, Pharoah and the people of Israel who he is. You think about the stories that we have through this deliverance that God did achieve. We have the story of the Passover and the parting of the Red Sea. We have this example in the Old Testament to remind us I think, that God isn't surprised by our adversity either. But, wants to use it to help us to grow up. Did Moses grow up through the adversity? If you look at the progression, Moses is a different person even before they get to the wilderness (see Exodus 11:7-8).
This is a common theme in the book of Exodus, for when they enter the wilderness, the trials are really only beginning. The adversity that Moses faces as the people even talk about stoning him at one point continue throughout the rest of his life. But, he also does become the man that God called him to be. For we don't really remember Aaron, who was suppose to be Moses' mouthpiece, because Moses assumed the role God gave him. He ended up finding the courage and faith to step forward into that role. Part of the reason he did assume that role was because he began to understand how great God is.
You notice that is a key idea in Exodus 4:11-12 when Moses complains God points to himself. He asks Moses who is it that created the mouth. Moses found courage when he realized that God was the one who gave him the authority and power that he needed. When he began to trust that God was with him then he was able to adopt a new viewpoint. That is why God said to him "Now then go, and I, even I , will be with your mouth, and teach you what you are to say." I think sometimes we think in ministry that ministry is something we do for God and it isn't. Ministry should be something we do "with God" not "for God". Big difference.
If this is true for Moses, how much more is it for the New Testament believer, who has the Holy Spirit indwelling in him or her. God has promised to never leave you or forsake you. He is closer than your very breath. He is not on vacation or taking a nap and he is not unaware of who you are or where you are. Thank God, you don't have to take time explain everything to him. You can rest in the fact that you are not alone. You can have confidence that he know the adversity your going through and is not surprised. You can have confidence that he equips those he calls.
Psalm 32:5-7 God is Ready and Eager to Forgive
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