
Showing posts from September, 2014

Would Jesus Have a Facebook and Twitter account?

   I posted this question "Would Jesus have a facebook and twitter account if he were on earth today?" on my twitter account today.  In all fairness, I did not think it right to ask the question without answering it myself.  After thinking some about it, I thought that the way we respond to that question says both a lot about our view of God and what we believe his mission is.      What I mean by that is that for some people they seem to suggest by their words and actions that God is more like a great judge than a merciful heavenly father.  To be sure, he is both of these things, but some people take it to extremes.  They suggest that he has no compassion or mercy on us for our mistakes.  Maybe this is a reflection on their inability to forgive themselves or anyone else for their faults.  I wish this wasn't the case.  But, whole churches and denominations reflect more the judgment and severity of God than the love of God.  To them, he is the one with the biggest ruler,

A sermon about work

  This was the pastor's sermon text this last Sunday 23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; 24 Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:23-24, KJV    The pastor talked about how much of our time as adults is spent at work and how important it is that we consider what our work says about our witness.  I know a lot of people simply try to get through the work and in essence live for the weekend.  But, how we do our work as christians really says a lot about us.  We have all probably worked with people who loved to gossip at work or were lazy and did as little as possible or had a horrible negative attitude.  A lot of people who have been like that in my life have also been professing christians.  I don't really think they realize how much of a bad witness they were being with their attitude.    Even though the context of this passage is where Paul is talking to sl