
Showing posts from January, 2015

My Testimony

    I want to share with you my story about how I came to really know the Lord.  My parents have always taken me and my sister Cindy to church.  Having said that, most of the time I didn't like it.  I went because I had no choice but to go.  But, for the most part i was not involved in the youth group until about my junior year in high school.      I remember being a very quiet, introverted kid growing up.  I chose my friends carefully and always tried to think out what I was going to say before I did.  You could have grown up on the same street as me and not even know I was there.  The truth of the matter is that I had absolutely no self-confidence and really didn't like myself much.  I had long given up on the youth group at church, so it was a shock to everyone when I said I was going to a mystery retreat the youth had in April of 1983.      The first few hours of the trip I was really questioning why I said I wanted to go.  I thought the kids in the group were a little s

let's talk about prophecy

    One of the most difficult subjects to teach on in the Bible is that of eschatology or the study of the last days.  That is because in order to be able to do so effectively you need to have a good working knowledge of most of the Bible including the minor prophets, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Isaiah and the gospel, as well as, the book of Revelations.  It seems that either teachers avoid the subject entirely or they major on it and rarely talk about anything else.  Worse than that, young believers sometimes get obsessed with it and avoid the more basic teaching that they need.  There is a great deal of debate on how things will occur and even great bible scholars disagree on the sequence of events at the end times.  So, I thought I would just make a list of what we know for sure about what will happen.      We know that in the last days there will be many false teachers.  Jesus said this in Matthew 24:24 when he said "For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great