
Showing posts from December, 2019


I am going to outline Colossians and then make some remarks about Colossians 1: 1-6. The Colossae believers were known for their faith, love and hope.  They had a faith in Christ, a love for each other and their hope was bound up in the return of Christ.  As a result, their faith was growing and bearing fruit.  Their faith was not based on programs or their own ability but hearing the word of God.  What are believers now known for?  Can it be said that we are known for our faith, love and hope?  Or are we known for what we are against or our political views and being much like the world?  Are we known for our love for each other?  Are we known for our faith in God even in difficult times?  Is our hope bound up in ourselves and our ability or in His return.  Is our hope only on things of this earth? Outline of the Book 1.      Introduction 1:1,2 2.      The nature of the Lordship of Christ 1:3-2:7 3.      Christ’s lordship and the false teaching of Colossae 2:8-3:4 4.