
Showing posts from April, 2015

How Big Is Your God?

“For my thoughts  are not your thoughts,      neither are your ways my ways,” declares the  Lord . 9  “As the heavens are higher than the earth,      so are my ways higher than your ways      and my thoughts than your thoughts.   Isaiah 55:8-9, NIV      At different times in my walk with God, I have had times when I prayed and it felt like nothing was happened.  I didn't know if I had done something that had created distance between me and God or if God was simply not ready at that time to answer my prayer.  That item just stays and stays on the prayer list.  You see other things come off and on and still that one remains.  It is difficult to understand what God is up to sometimes and then sometimes it is impossible.  Have you ever thought about why that is?        One thing that I think that sometimes christian are guilty of is treating God as if he is simply a bigger human.  We seem to attribute so many human qualities to God it makes it seem like he is just a bigger version

Signs of the Times

     I saw a post on facebook yesterday that gave a prophetic word that Jesus would return as a part of the rapture on Easter.  While I don't believe in date setting because Jesus said when he was on earth that even he did not know the day or hour, I do believe it is very soon that he will return.  As christians, we should be watching the signs of the times and recognizing that they look very similiar to what is mentioned throughout scripture.  Those words that I stated from a pulpit in West Virginia in 2005 about Jesus returning in my lifetime seem even more prophetic now.      As a believer and student of the Bible, I believe end time events will center around Israel.  Specifically, they will center around Jerusalem.  The Prime Minister of Israel these days sounds like an alarmist.  Our President has shown a shocking disregard for the Prime Minister.  You might think that he is completely wrong.  I happen to think the Prime Minister is dead on right and should be alarmed.