
Showing posts from May, 2015

Romans 6:1-11

      In my study in the books of Romans, I have come to Romans 6:-11.  Paul begins in verses 1-2 with a rhetorical question "Should we sin more that grace might increase?"  This is apparently what some have accused Paul and Christians of teaching.  Paul gives the reason of why we must live a different way by explaining that since the believer has died with Christ then they have become a new person.       The idea of death and resurrection and new life is prominent in this passage.  Before we were slaves of sin and unable to please God by our own actions.  Now, Paul says that we have been baptized or immersed in His death.  We are according to verse 4, to walk in newness of life.  The word newness is kainotes which means a new state of life in which the Holy Spirit places in us to produce a new person.       There are a number of passages which talk about the  newness of life that God calls the believer to.  In Galatians 5:19-24, Paul compares the deeds of the flesh to tho

The futility of trying to be "good enough"

    On my own, I have been studying the book of Romans over the last few weeks.  It seems to me that the emphasis in chapters 1 is mainly towards the Gentiles.  There was a large Gentile church in Romans that Paul wanted to speak to.  He told them in no uncertain terms that they had all fallen short of the glory of God.  In chapter 2, the emphasis shifts slightly to Jewish christians.  He reminds them that "there is no partiality with God." verse 11.  This means that even though in their ancestory they had the law and the prophets God does not play favorites.     There is also at the same time a common thread of Paul emphasizing that while all the law did was make us more aware of our sin it doesn't lead to righteousness.  In Romans 1:17 Paul says, "But the righteous man shall live by faith."  Which is a very important verse that Martin Luther is known to have noticed and led to his leading the Protestant reformation.  Paul goes on to say in Romans 3:21-22 &qu