Thursday, February 1, 2018

Some thoughts on Revelations 6

   I started looking at Revelations today and saw this portion of scripture and had to ask myself whether or not any of these things have happened already or if they are all seen as being in the future.  While some of these things have happened, I don't think you can see them as having happened yet, especially verses 12 and beyond.  This is a short section of comments about Revelations 6

Revelations 6
Vs.1- it was by the Lamb’s authority that the seal was broken and the different horses come forward.   Jesus himself is riding a white horse.  This is also pictured in Revelations 19:11 where Jesus is pictured on a white horse when heaven opens and it says the one who sat on it “was called Faithful and True; and in righteousness He judges and wages war.”   While the seals are broken, the book is not opened here.  Which has led to a lot of speculation about what is in the book.  The seventh seal will not be opened until the trumpet judgements are about to be announced Rev 8:1.

Vs. 2 A rider is pictured with a bow and with a crown, to conquer  and conquering.  In that some have suggested that this is the antichrist.  One who wants to be pictured as like Christ.  So, just as Christ is pictured as coming on a white horse in Revelations 19, so the antichrist is pictured as coming on a white horse.    That the antichrist is predicted to come before Christ’s return is repeated over and over again in scripture.

Vs.3-4 The second living creature who are around the throne told the red horse to come.  It was given a great sword and the ability to take peace away.  Jesus said in Matthew 10:34 that he didn’t come to bring peace but a sword.   Some thought that this might be when the Romans ruled over the world and Judea.

Vs. 5-6 The third living creature said come. The third creature had a face like a man.  A black horse appears. He has a pair of scales in his hands.  There is a disparity of wealth, some have a lot and others have none.  That is why it says “do not harm the oil and the wine.” Acts 11:28 a great famine is mentioned during the reign of Claudis. 

Vs.7-8 the fourth seal is broken and the fourth creature who has a face like an eagle calls forth the ashen horse named Death and Hades was following with him.  Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, famine, pestilence and wild beasts.

Vs.9-11 the fifth seal is broken, but no new horse is introduced.  We see an interaction between the lord and the martyrs when they ask when there will be judgment.  They are told to rest for a little while longer and that more saints are to be martyred before the judgment.  They refer to the Lord as one who is holy and true.   They are given white robes which may symbolize the righteous acts of the saints (19:8).

Vs.12-17- The sixth seal is broken ad a great earthquake occurs and the sun became black and the moon became like blood.  These events have no parallel in history and appear to be in the future.  And the stars fell from the sky and the sky was split and the islands and mountains moved from its place.  This caused great terror among those living on earth and they became afraid of God’s wrath.   Jesus said this also in Matthew 25:29-30 when he said that after the tribulation that the sun would be darkened and the moon will not give light and the stars would fall from the sky and the heavens  will be shaken and then Jesus would appear.

Psalm 32:5-7 God is Ready and Eager to Forgive

  Psalm 32:3-7 3 When I kept silence, my bones waxed old through my roaring all the day long. 4 For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me...