Treasures in Heaven

Jesus said in Matthew 6:20-21 "But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where thieves do not break in or steal, for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."

    So when I read this verse, a couple of thoughts go through my mind.  The first is the most important "Do I do this?"  The verse is interesting in that the person who Jesus is speaking to is not passive.  The NASV uses the words "lay up for yourselves".  I have a tendency to look at the original greek or hebrew to understand words in the Bible better.  In this case, it isn't all that helpful.  It is what it says.  Which is that the person should be actively storing up treasure or things that you would put in a treasury in heaven.
     So, again, I ask "Am I doing that?"  And I come back with the answer "Yes and no."  I mean, I try to lay up treasures in heaven.  I really do try, at least some of the time.  But, to be completely honest, there are days that won't be a part of that holy registry.  Nothing much of value was created or stored up on that day.  I think the key issue is not the treasure, but where the heart is.
     In Adam Clarke's commentary on this verse he says, "If God be the treasure of our souls, our hearts, our affections and desires will be placed on things above."  And I think if the truth be known that this is a problem for all of us.  Because of the fall mentioned in Genesis 3, we all have a tendency to put our hearts and affections on here and now rather than heaven.  We all have a tendency to get selfish and to not treasure our relationship with God as much as we should.  Because if we did, a byproduct of that would be that God would be allowed to transform us from the inside out.
      In Genesis 15:1 God speaks to Abraham and says, "Do not fear, Abram, I am a shield to you; Your reward shall be very great."  I like the way the NIV translates this verse, it actually translates it that God is Abraham's great reward.  It isn't actually what God gives, but God Himself.  So, I think that is the key.  Not trying harder, because let's face it, we are all kinda a mixed bag of nuts.  Your never quite sure what your going to get.  I can't change my heart.  Only God can do that.  So, my first priority is to treasure my relationship with God and allow Him to deal with my heart condition and transform me.  Then, I will be laying up the treasures in heaven that He wants for me.

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