Sowers and Soil

    I was reading through Mark 4 today when I ran across the story of the soil and the sower.  What caught my attention was when Jesus spoke about the thorns that came up and made the Word unfruitful.   What is interesting is what type of things make the word unfruitful.  Jesus mentions three things: the worries of the world, deceitfulness of riches and desire for other things.  What struck me about this is that these are not blatant sins like murder or treason or something horrible, but sins that most of us at one time or another would be guilt of.  They are sins that may even at times seem socially acceptable or the sins of a high achiever or type A personality.  We don't lock people up in prison because they were worried or were consumed with interest in other things.  Yet, these are the things that make the word unfruitful.

     Jesus said the worries of the world and I think about my own problems with worry.  Why is this such a big deal?  I think it is because it is hard to be worried and to also be filled with trust.  This world is an uncertain place where tragedy can strike at a moment.  Yet, Jesus told us that worry cannot add a cubit to our life's span Matthew 6:25-32.  Worry tends to steal our joy and can be consuming to the point that some people have panic attacks and their fear literally can make a person sick.

     The deceitfulness of riches is something Jesus also mentions.  I looked up the word deceitful in the dictionary and it says that deceitfulness is an attempt or disposition to deceive or lead into error, any declaration, artifice or practice which misleads, causing him to believe what is false, fraud.  Jesus is saying that despite what Wall Street or Hollywood says that riches are deceitful.  One other thing that I think of here is that riches take our priorities away from the kingdom.  Jesus clearly said in Matthew 6:33 that as a believer I am to seek first His kingdom and not building my own.

      The other thing is the desire for other things.  It's interesting that you don't need a greek lexicon to understand these words that Jesus is using.  They are exactly what it appears they are.  Desire means a craving, longing and is the word Epithumia.  Jesus is talking about a general desire which takes the place of desiring him.  It is something that takes the place of and the person devotes their time to.  As a result of doing this, Jesus says it literally chokes out the fruitfulness of the Word.

       Which leads us to the hard part about this, which is asking does this describe you and me?  Am I being fruitful in doing God's Word or am I consumed with worry or chasing after what the world says is important?  Am I truly putting the kingdom of God and His righteousness first or my own priorities?  Am I truly abiding in Jesus to the point where He is bearing fruit through me or not John 15:1-5.

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