Thursday, July 11, 2013

Sowing and Reaping

"Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously" 2 Corinthians 9:6

    In my Bible reading this morning,this verse jumped out at me. Earlier in this book, Paul had mentioned the judgment seat of Christ.  This is a time and place where God would test the quality of every believer's work. Each person gives an account of their lives and they are given a reward in relationship to what they did.  This is a separate event for believers.  For non-believers, they experience the great white throne judgment which is not about rewards.

    Paul was talking to the Corinthians about giving.  It appears that at an earlier time Paul had begun making arrangements with Titus for the churches to give, possibly to the church of Jerusalem.  Paul commends the churches in Macedonia as first giving of themselves and then also to the will of God.  Paul talks a lot about the spirit in which we should give.  He isn't just talking about money here, for he commends the Macedonians for giving of themselves.

     You see people sometimes who think that this world is just about accumulation of stuff.  They work very hard for their own personal goals and attain things.  But, how much are they really investing in the kingdom.  How much am I really investing in the kingdom.  What are you doing that is going to stand the test before that judgment seat of Christ?  Some people live as though this is the end and they won't have to one day stand before God.  But, the word of God tells us differently.

     The question is really about whether or not I am willing to give to Christ whatever he requires of me without reservation.  Does he already have my heart and my will or am I firmly on the throne of my own life.  Is his goals and will for my life important or just my own will?  Am I sowingly sparingly?  I think this passage really calls us to examine our own attitudes about giving to others with a spirit of generosity and grace.  God treats us with grace and expects us to treat others that way also.  So much of the time, that is lacking in the church today.

     By investing in eternity, I am primarily talking about investing in people.  For the things of this world and stuff will wear away, but people are eternal.  God cares about people.  He sent his son to die for people.  What am I doing to help other people and to reflect in my life that I know the risen Lord?  Are you using your talents and gifts to enlarge the kingdom?  The good news is that to do so, doesn't mean you need to change vocations or go somewhere overseas.  Grow where God has already planted you.  Your mission field is around you.

    Some people don't think they have gifts because they can't sing well or preach or do other things.  The fact though is that all of us have the ability to be kind, to share, to give, to love, to show compassion.  This world can be a very dark place.  Many people that we come into contact with on a weekly basis have experienced heartache and abuse in a variety of ways.  You would really be surprised if you truly knew how much a kind word, an act of compassion or a handshake means to some people who are hurting.

Psalm 32:5-7 God is Ready and Eager to Forgive

  Psalm 32:3-7 3 When I kept silence, my bones waxed old through my roaring all the day long. 4 For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me...