Sunday, March 9, 2014

The power is out

   I noticed as I scrolled through cable television this morning, that many churches are not having services in our area this morning.  We had a large sleet and ice storm here Thursday night into Friday morning that took down numerous trees and power lines all over the area.  Even the grocery store Friday afternoon didn't have its power on.  Made me wonder how they are keeping the frozen stuff frozen.  I'm sure nobody wonders about that but me, since I am a little different. . . .
   When I see the notices about the power being out and services canceled.  I thought to myself the power in the churches have been lacked for a long time, not just today.  It seems when you look at the statistics that there is not a big measureable difference between those who go to church and those who do not.  In whatever area you would like to measure, divorce rate, spousal infidelity, drug addiction, etc.  Why is it that so many of our churches and christians seem to lack the power of the Spirit in their lives?
    I noticed one pastor on television talking about how having the Spirit in your life was meant to give you prosperity in every area of your life.  There was no mention of the need to be obedient.  People love to quote 2 Chronicles 7:14 "My people whoa re called by My name; humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and heal their land."   Did you notice in that verse it calls on the people first to humble themselves, pray and seek God's face and turn from sin.  Many preachers preach the prosperity without the repentance.
     I think another reason that there is a lack of power in the church today is that in many churches christians have lost their first love (Matthew 24:12).  They go to church or worship out of sense of obligation rather than a real love for God.  That lack of love shows up in how believers treat other christians.  I am a real believer that you can go through the motions of church and have great services, but not be heard at all in heaven because of the way we treat each other.  Many churches today are sick and dying and in financial trouble because God doesn't and won't bless a church when we turn on each other like flesh eating monsters.
     I am testifying about what I know.  I have been in several leadership positions in churches.  Both as a lay person and in paid positions.  You never realize how especially evil people can be until you see it in church people who claim to walk differently.  Start trying to change an order of worship or try something new in church or change the worship style for just one Sunday and watch the fangs come out.   We act as though it doesn't matter how we act.  The end simply justifes the means.  And in the we are truly wrong.  Then we wonder why the church is struggling and God isn't blessing our offerings and attendane is going down.  It is because God has taken his hands off the wheel and not blessing the direction that people want to go.
     It would do some churches good to have a season of prayer and to consider who they have offended.  In the Old Testament, it was called a solemn assembly.  The people came together and confessed their sins and fell on their faces and sought God.  They examined themselves and got right with each other.  They thought about how they hurt others and asked for forgiveness.  They realize that God doesn't just want to bless our mess.  God wants us to get right with him.  If your church doesn't do this, I would suggest that you do.  Ask God to show you if you need to forgive someone or if you need to repent of something.  Ask God to show you what you need to do to allow His Holy Spirit freedom to work in your life.

Psalm 32:5-7 God is Ready and Eager to Forgive

  Psalm 32:3-7 3 When I kept silence, my bones waxed old through my roaring all the day long. 4 For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me...