
Showing posts from March, 2008

full time again

I have gone full time at my job this week. They give you a month to get your hours and clients up to the level of full time. I think it will take about 3 more people and I will be at that level. I am still seeing mostly adults. I had one teenager that I won't be seeing anymore. His attitude was really bad, so I told the QP that I need to let someone else see him. It has been stressful thinking about all that I need to do in the next few weeks. I haven't been full time since March 2006! Seems like 3 lifetimes ago. It is a good job though and I am learning something new every day. Every person brings their own challenges, their own apathy, their own strengths and their own pains and shortcomings. There has been a lot of lying going on, so I find myself questioning almost everything that a person who I am visiting tells me. Then there are also two people who I have just about run out of goals for because they have worked hard and have overcome their problems. You don&#


I've never been one to read devotionals, either online or in books, but I found a new one that I like. It is at I am not sure exactly how I found it, but I have been using it every morning lately. I think the guy who wrote it has a Catholic background, but so far I haven't seen anything that I really disagree with. I like it too that the web site has a place where you can look at pictures of the Holy land and Biblical sites that you have heard about. He gives you a passage from the New Testament and one from the Old and then a meditation and prayer. Right now, he is in the Gospel of John. Mainly the passages deal with how Jesus claimed to be more than just a man. Jesus claimed that God is His Father. He also claimed that he existed before Abraham.