
Showing posts from February, 2011

You are Not Able

   I recently decided to try and write a book.  The working title of it is "Before He Was King".  It has to do with the period when David was anointed, yet not king.  I am just beginning work on this and will keep you posted on progress.  Keeping that in mind, I will probably be posting a lot of comments about David for a while.  This post is about a phrase that caught my eye when restudying the encounter David had with Goliath. Saul said to David, "You are not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him; for you are but a youth while he has been a warrior from his youth."  1 Samuel 17:33    Saul had a lot of characters flaws about him, but at the point in this story he is king of Israel.  The first living breathing mortal to be king of God's people.  Goliath had been coming and taunting the people of God daily.  And as I look over the story, Saul never makes a move to defend his people himself.  The role that David is trying to take on is one of de

David's Wanderings

"And everyone who was in distress, and everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was discontented, gathered to him; and he became captain over them. . . ." 1 Samuel 22:2      In the verse above, David is in his time of wandering in the wilderness.  Those who were discontent, whether it be with the spiritual status of the day or the rule of Saul was gathering to David.  They recognized that there was something more about David.  They saw the hand of God on his life, though he was basically homeless and running for his life at the time.     The time of wilderness is a time of waiting.  A time that on the surface of things can appear as though it is wasted.  In this case, the people had asked for and received a king.  His name was Saul and he was one of the most sick and demented of all the kings Israel had.  I personally think he had schizophrenia or something similiar to it.  But, the people wanted a king, so God gave them what they wanted.  But, the time wasn't waste

The Professional Worrier

I have a confession to make; I think I have mastered the art of worry. I seem to have no problems at all worrying about all sorts of things. It comes as naturally to me as breathing and eating. Yet, for all of my mastery of this skill, it doesn’t seem to be doing me much good. In fact, I can remember a time in my Christian walk, when it was so debilitating that I literally couldn’t eat much of anything and was on three different stomach medications. The Bible has several suggestions on what to do about worry. In Philippians 4:6 it says, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” This is followed by the promise that if I give up my anxiety and fears to God that “the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7. Having worked in the mental health field over the last several years, I can tell you I am not alone in my mastery


"This is My body which is given for you; do this in rememberance of Me." Luke 22:19b      Have you ever noticed how many times God uses different events, rituals or traditions to remind us of what he has done or who he is?  Here in this passage in Luke, it is a reference to the Lord's Supper.  The Lord never says how often we should observe the Lord's Supper, but what he does say is that "as often as" the church observes this that it is to be a reminder of who Jesus is and what He has done.  It is to be a reminder of his sacrifice and the fact that he shed his blood.     I think the Lord does this because he realizes that we so often get busy, even busy doing good things, that we need constant reminding.  We need help remembering who we are in Christ and the good news that the gospel does present.  We need reminding, so that we are not just known as christians for what we are against, but why it is called "good news" in the first place.  We hav

Lessons Learned

   I have been reflecting lately on what God has been telling me and try to get back into going to church lately.  We found a non-denominational church near our home that has a contemporary service.  I have taken the kids so far three times.  I enjoy the more contemporary service, though some of the songs I don't know.  I also like it that the church seems organized to do outreach and is reaching out to the community.  That has always been important to me.  Some other thoughts that have been going on in my head lately. . . 1. Life doesn't work out like you expect.  I never thought going through college that I would work in mental health.  I always thought I would work in a church and for a time did.  But, now I would not do that if it was offered to me.  I have what I consider a fulfilling ministry working as a case manager, helping people in practical ways.  My faith encourages me to work hard for people and to see it as more than a job or paycheck.  I'm glad that I am a

Uprising in Egypt

Jesus said, "Therefore, be on the alert; for you do not know which day your Lord is coming.. . .For this reason you be ready too for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will."  Matthew 24:42,44     Like a lot of you, I have been watching events unfold in Egypt.  Having never really heard much about Egypt in the news in the past, I was interested in learning why the protesters were protesting and wondering what the results would be of this conflict.  Also, I wondered with all the turmoil if these events would in any way lead to events that would prepare for Jesus's return.     You may think that it is silly that I would think that these events might lead to Jesus' return.  But, scripture seems clear that we are to have an attitude of expectancy.  While there has been much upheaval in the middle east, it is clear that this region is the area where Jesus will one day return again.  What the sequence of those events are a little unclear to me,