Key passages: Matthew 6:33; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20; 1 Peter 2:16; Romans 6:16,18
I have noticed with increasing feel of disgust and alarm how rapidly this Presidential campaign has come down to who can hit the gutter the least in term of moral and possibly criminal behavior. Recent remarks of Mr.Trump about women have surfaced which demonstrate that he has made some very crude and sexist remarks in the past including comments about his own daughter. It makes you think about what Jesus would think about this election? If I am to be a true follower of his, then who would he have me vote for? Or would he have me vote for anyone at all? More than most elections, this one really should cause the believer to pause and consider what Jesus would think or do and how he would want you to vote.
It really does come down to our relationship with Jesus. I am called in the Bible a servant or slave of his. Several times throughout scripture it says this including the way the apostles including Paul identified themselves. You may notice at the beginning of almost every letter, Paul or whoever is writing refers to themselves as a bond-slave or servant. A servant no longer has the privilege of doing what they want to do. As someone who has been bought, much like a slave was auctioned of or bought, I now belong to the Lord. The price was paid on the cross.
So, it really does come down to who among those who are running for office are interested in the values which reflect Christian values? Who is the one who seems to reflect that they know Him and care about His kingdom. Because at the end of the day, the kingdom that as a believer I should care about is not so much the one here on earth, but the kingdom of God. So, whose policies and character reflect that they also care about those same values? How is this person helping to advance the kingdom of God. This includes demonstrating that the person values people, has integrity, is honest and trustworthy, tells the truth, keeps their word, does what he or she says.
Not only that, but whose personality and leadership style says that they love people? For the most important commandments in the Bible are to love God and love other people. If you love God then you will love other people. The opposite of that is the love of self, money and putting things ahead of people. This is the God that many in this country have bowed down too today, the God of selfishness, materialism and greed.
I would encourage you if you are a believer to take a step beyond just listening to campaign ads. They have their own picture which they wish you to see which may not tell the whole story. Look at the candidates voting record if they have any. Looks at what their decision says about their values and what is important to them. Take the extra step to look at the web sites of candidates and be an educated voter who looks at candidates with the eyes of someone who values loving God and loving others. Paul was very clear that if we don't do those two things than it doesn't really matter what we do because the law is summed up in the idea that we should both love God and love others.