Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Signs of the End Matthew 24:1-14

    In Matthew 24:1-14 we find Jesus as he is leaving the temple area.  The disciples point out to Jesus all the beautiful temple buildings.  Jesus shocks them by saying that all of these stones will be torn down vs.2.  This shocks them and then privately later while on the Mount of Olives they ask Jesus about when this will occur.  Most likely Jesus is thinking about the events of 70 AD when the temple was destroyed.  It appears that he was also thinking of this earlier when he said that Jerusalem would be desolated Matthew 23:38.

    So, the disciples ask two questions.  First, when will this happen that the temple will be destroyed and then second what will be the sign of Christ's coming at the end of the age.  Of course, the disciples are still asking this question thinking that the Messiah is going to come and institute a kingdom on earth much like the Davidic kingdom.  So, Jesus gives them seven signs of his coming and describes these as much like birth pangs vs.8  This is important because birth pangs get progressively worse and more painful as time goes on.  If you look at how things are described in Revelation 6-19 you will see that the trials that the world goes through become progressively more intense as time goes on with more and more people suffering.

     The seven signs of his coming are mentioned in Matthew 4-14.  We could say that to some extent all of these seven signs have already occurred to some extent.

1. There will be false Christ that appear.  Anybody remember David Koresh and the Branch Davidians?  David proclaimed himself as the Christ as have many others.  2 Thess 2:3,4, Matthew 24:23,24

2. There will be wars and rumors of wars vs. 6,7 see Rev 6:4.  We have had 2 world wars and several other conflicts and now see several conflicts going on in the news daily in Gaza and Ukraine and violence all over the world.

3. Famines and earthquakes will occur  vs.7 interestingly the area of Turkey is a place of frequent earthquakes where Paul spent much of his time as recorded in Acts.  see Rev 6:6

4.  Christians will be persecuted and many will fall away vs.9-10  Rev 6:9.  We don't experience much persecution in the U.S. but others in places like the Middle East and China and other parts of the world are killed for their faith in Jesus.

5.There will be false prophets vs.11.  I actually believe this is more common in the U.S. than we think as people tend to gather around teachers and preachers today many of whom are no longer proclaiming the gospel, but a different gospel that Paul would not have been familiar with whether that be a name it and claim it gospel or a legalistic gospel or simply psycho babble that has nothing to do with the true gospel.  That is why we should know the word of God ourselves!  1 John 4:1-2, 2 Peter 2:1

6. Lawlessness increases and people's love grows cold towards each other vs.12.  See also 2 Timothy 3:1-7 and 1 Timothy 4:1.  We see this all the time.  That for many people they primarily love themselves and are very selfish and disobedient.  

7. The gospel will be preached into the whole world. vs.14.  Through radio, television and the internet, we see people have access to the word of God like never before.   According to the American Bible Society the average American household has an average of 3-4 Bibles.  But, only 17 percent of the American population read the Bible on a regular basis.   This makes us ripe for believing falsehood when we don't know truth from error.  

Bible Project overview of Matthew part 1

Bible Project overview of Matthew part 2

Psalm 62 A Song of Confidence and Trust

  62  Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him cometh my salvation.  2  He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence; I shall not b...