Monday, July 1, 2024

The Sheep and the Goats Matthew 25:31-46

       Jesus tells us the parable of the sheep and the goats in Matthew 25:31-46.  In this parable, he indicates what will happen at the end of the age just as he has been talking about the end time events since Matthew 24.  He conveys that the angels will come with him when he returns in his glory and he will sit on his throne and judge the nations.   He says that he will separate them just like a Shepherd separates sheep and goats.  This was also portrayed in Matthew 13:49-50 when it says that the angels will separate the wicked from the righteous.  It also mentions this in Matthew 13:41-42.  The righteous goes to eternal life, while the wicked go to eternal fire.

       This is not a popular teaching today.  Many more people believe in heaven than believe in hell.  But, one thing you will notice when you read the gospels is that Jesus actually spoke of hell often.  Usually referring to it as a place of gnashing of teeth and weeping see Matthew 22:13 or Luke 13:28.  In this passage in Matthew 25 he specifically says that the goats go to eternal punishment while the righteous go to eternal life.  In the end of time there is only two groups of people the saved and the lost.  It would be nice to think of hell as simply temporary, but the gospels don't teach that.  It says that the consequences for our faith or lack of faith and actions are eternal.  

       What is the main difference between the sheep and the goats?  We know that following the law does not save a person for the gospel is clear that no one is justified by the law Galatians 3:11  And the righteous person shall live by faith Romans 1:17.  But, here Jesus indicates that the righteous did respond with deeds towards others.  In other words, their faith motivated them to respond in compassion to others in need.  Jesus said that when they did it for the least of these it was as if they were doing it for him Matthew 25:40.  And when the goats ignored those in need it was as if they had turned their backs on Jesus Matthew 25:45.  This is not to say that they were saved by their works.  Ephesians 2:8-9 says,

"For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast."

        True faith produces fruit.  Jesus said in Matthew 7:16 that "you will know them by their fruits. . .."  True faith produces works.  It would be difficult to imagine someone living in a Christlike manner and walking in the Spirit today and not helping the multitude of people who are in need.  Jesus did not turn his back on those in need.  He spent a great deal of his time healing people with compassion.  When the leper came to him and said that if he wanted to he could heal him.  It says that Jesus reached out to him and touched the leper and healed him with compassion  Matthew 9:36; Matthew 8:2-3.  This is why over time so many homeless shelters and hospitals and hospices and schools and other institutions were formed by Christians as a response to the needs they saw around them. 

        The interesting thing in this parable in Matthew 25 is that the righteous ask when did they respond to him in this manner and Jesus says in Matthew 25:40  "And the King will answer and say to them, "Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even to the least of them, you did it to Me."  It is as though Jesus credits it to the righteous when they help the least of these as if they are doing it for him.   I would think that would motivate us all the more to help the least of these.

Some question to think about

In what way is my faith bearing fruit in helping others?

What needs do I see in my community or around me that I need to respond to?

In what ways am I reflecting the heart that Christ had in compassion to those in need?

Related Web sites

Guzik's commentary on Matthew 25

Francis Chan's teaching on Matthew 25

Bob Thune's teaching at Southeastern Seminary on Matthew 25

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